Syngonium Varieties


Are you searching for a beautiful low maintenance plant which can be grown in homes or offices also. Syngonium Species work great for this! They are very low maintenance and the colors you change out will give it a true aesthetic touch with its arrow like leaves. Popular examples are the Arrowhead Vine, Pink Allusion or White Butterfly and Five Finger just to name a few!

About the Syngonium Plant

Syngonium spp. are a genus of flowering plants that are indigenous to the… The leaves change with age and range from having variegation. The foliage comes in light green, dark green/cream and emerald on white with pink shade.

Syngonium: poisonous for pets and adults. Coming into contact with the mucilage and plant tissues can cause skin irritation, itching or blisters. Eating bits can result in digestive tract issues.

In some cultures, Syngonium is thought of as a feng shui plant that represents five elements in its five-lobed shape to balance positive energy. The arrow-shaped leaves, in a hue range that would make an aurora blush, are perfect for something with tropical flair.dispose of this shrub. They are quick growers that are highly adaptable, and fairly easy for beginners to keep having.

1. Syngonium ‘Neon Robusta’

Syngonium ‘Neon Robusta’

While many of you plant collectors who love colors would have already added a Syngonium ‘Neon Robusta,’ in your indoor garden. The foliage of this kind is truly unique, with leaves that are a dusty pink-green and have an iridescent sheen. As a young plant the leaves are mostly green with soft pink veins which add to its appeal along with plenty of little blushes on the back Seiten.

A Syngonium, this particular variety grows well in bright indirect light and requires watering once a week to look bushy and full. With its unique coloration it brings a touch of elegance and vibrancy to any indoor space, which is why this plant has become the favorite for many people looking to diversify their little forest.

2. Syngonium ‘Snow White’

Syngonium ‘Snow White’

Syngonium ‘Snow White’: A small ensiform non trailing type plant with a neat, graceful look that adapts almost any room. Arrow PlantA plant with heart-shaped leaves, is deeply variegated colorwise: Speckled green and powdery pale. Its an perfect houseplant for someone new to one, it is quite content in a small space.

  • Syngonium Snow White- This variety of syngonium is a perfect beauty for its compact habit and adorable look.
  • Triangle-shaped arrow leaves have the most attractive color variegation you will find in shades of green dusted with a faint white.
  • This plant is suitable for beginners, flourishing in small indoor spaces.

3. Syngonium ’Gold Allusion’

Syngonium ’Gold Allusion’

One of the most eye-catching houseplants, Syngonium ‘Gold Allusion’ — with beautiful golden-green leaves that just seem to brighten up space even on a dull day. The medium to rich green and golden-yellow foliage with delicate pinkish veins are heart-shaped.

  • Syngonium ‘Gold Allusion’ ( A trailing Syngonium growth habit makes it perfect for hanging pots where they can flow gently and reveal their natural beauty.

This specific Syngonium variety is quite a hardy plant which makes it ideal for both the occasional plant owner and enthusiastic houseplant lover. Its trailing nature and distinctive coloration makes it perfect to add a touch of sophistication as well as brightness on any indoor spac

4. Syngonium ‘Pink Allusion’

Syngonium ‘Pink Allusion’

Pink Allusion Syngonium- The foliage Pink Allusion is syngonium makes it an attractive variety due to its beautiful pink color. The deep hues of this plant mesmerize any gardeners who encounter it. It is often mistaken for the Syngonium ‘Neon Robusta’, however an expert can tell them apart by just how pinky-pink this one really is, next to that muted dusty rose of a leaf on Neon Robusta.

  • Syngonium ‘Pink Allusion’ foliage in a beautiful soft pink.
  • These do well in low light and need very minimal watering, so they are good for the beginner.
  • This delicately patterned fabric will add a quiet understated elegance to your home.

5. Syngonium ’White Butterfly’

Syngonium ’White Butterfly’

Syngonium ‘White Butterfly’ is a white version of the popular Syngonium ‘Pink Allusion’. The attractive heart-shaped leaves have a distinctive silver and cream-colored center that fades to green with arrowhead shape structure as it gets older white venation.

Although attractive, this variety can tend to be a somewhat unmanageable grower and pruning will most likely be required on an annual basis in order for it not become extremely disheveled: otherwise balanced growing may also prove difficult.

  • Syngonium ‘White Butterfly’ features a white cultivar of the plant
  • With a centered creamy white and silver color, it comes with heart-shaped leaves.
  • The leaves darken to a green with silver-white venation as they mature.



Is Syngonium the same as pothos?

Epipremnum aureum (botanical/scientific)common names include Pothos, which is in the family of monocot Araceae just like the genus Syngonium.

Is Syngonium a lucky plant?

Click to Open expanded View Rolling Nature Good Luck Air Purifying Live Pink Syngonium Plant in Black Pots with Decorative Materials and Pebbles by Rolling Nature Parties 4 Peace Printed Table placemats Set of 6 Pieces advertisement.
So as per Feng-Shui,It is believed that Syngonium Plant brings fortune, good luck and prosperity in home and office.

Does Syngonium grow fast?

Syngonium plant care tips for spring & summer | Plantopedia

Fast growing house plants like the Syngonium, which is also commonly called arrowhead plant or goosefoot plant because of the shape of their leaves. Easy to care for these need little work once pruned to keep in check. These are available in many types and with colors, leaf patterns.

How big can syngonium grow?

Plant care of Syngonium

Syngonium is a fast-growing evergreen creeper, occasionally extending up to 20 meters in length as well as creating lengthy shoots both on the ground and also climbing trees. As an indoor plant, Syngonium can reach up to two meters. Depending on the variety, it can have green leaves or red, white and even mottled leaves.

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